Meanwhile, the illegal confession excluded exclusionary rule on whether "repeated confession" and the illegally obtained evidence statements for clues whether the exclusion is not specified. 同时,非法口供排除规则对是否排除“重复自白”和以非法口供为线索取得的物证是否排除没有规定。
On the building of the exclusive rules of illegally obtained evidence in civil procedure 论民事诉讼非法证据排除规则之构建
Comparative Research Upon the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence Between Canada and Australia 加拿大、澳大利亚非法证据排除规则的比较研究
Chapter three states and evaluates the theories of foreign exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence and inspects emphatically the legislation and the judicial practice of America, England, Germany and Japan. 第三章评述了外国有关非法证据排除规则的理论,重点考察了美、英、德、日等国的立法、司法实践。
Burden of proof in the procedure of exclusion of the illegally obtained evidence indicate when the defendant claim that the evidences provided by the prosecutor are illegally obtained, which party shall undertake the burden of proof and to what extend the evidences should be proved. 非法证据排除程序中的证明主要是指当被告方主张控诉方的证据系非法所得时由谁承担证明责任以及证明应达到何种程度。
Research on Several Problems of the Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence 刑事非法证据排除规则若干问题研究
In view of some problems existing in the exclusion of the illegally obtained evidence's regulations in our country's current legislation, this paper discusses in some aspects of the remark evidence, real evidence and the measurement of the exclusive illegal evidence with the abstracted analysis method. 针对中国现行立法中对于非法证据排除制度的规定过于粗略的问题,采取抽象分析的方法,从言辞证据、实物证据排除非法证据的措施等方面进行了论述。
Without matching ideas and systems, the prosperous values and functions of the exclusionary rule of the illegally obtained evidence are hard to realize, which will be gone out of form in judicial practice. 如果没有与之相配套的理念、制度,那么该规则的预期价值和功能将难以实现,反映在司法实践中,该规则就很可能被异化或走形。
Chapter four inspects states and evaluates the legislation and the theoretic situation of the problem of exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence in our country. 第四章是对我国关于非法证据问题的立法、理论状况的考察与评析。
Chapter 3 is about the necessity of building up our country's Exclusionary rules of Illegally Obtained Evidence. 第四章,构建我国非法证据排除规则之设想。
And to make sure that the interrogation procedure can be judicially controlled when it is over, judicial remedy rule is also established. This is mainly exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence. 为了在侦讯程序终结后还能继续对侦讯程序进行司法控制,各国还制定了侵权救济规则,这主要是非法供述证据的排除规则。
On the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence and its Establishment in China On the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Civil Procedure 论非法证据排除规则及其本土化构建民事诉讼中的非法证据排除规则
Use due process to control illegal collection of criminal evidence and to exclude the illegally obtained evidence off the trial procedure. 对建立具有我国特色的非法证据控制程序,达到有效的抵制非法取证行为、排除非法证据作了粗浅的探索。
In China, the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained criminal evidence is being constructed and many problems on theory and practice are still in discussion. 在我国,刑事非法证据排除规则刚刚开始构建,许多理论和实践问题还在不断探讨之中。
There are discrepancies and disputes about if we should establish exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence in the theoretic circle of criminal action of our country while the exclusion of illegal evidence in legislation is also blink. 我国刑事诉讼理论界对在我国是否应当确立非法证据排除规则一直存在较大的分歧和争议,而立法上对非法证据的排除也是一个空白。
Theoretical Analysis on Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence 非法证据排除规则之法理分析
The exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence is invalid and can't be adopted in court, for it disobeys the proceedings of law. 非法证据排除规则指违反法定程序、以非法方法获得的证据,不具有证据能力,不能为法庭采纳。
Initial study on the perfected measures in the exclusive regulation of the illegally obtained evidence 非法证据排除规则完善措施初探
So detached from the narrow perspective on law enforcement, the author proposes his own view. Part ⅳ focuses on the burden of proof to exclude illegally obtained evidence. 所以从超脱于执法者的狭隘视角,笔者提出了自己的看法。第四部分主要讲述非法证据排除的证明责任。
Illegally obtained evidence from these two aspects of "crimes against personal law of faith" and "harm the national respect for the law to show the nature of evil". 非法证据从危害个人法律信仰和损害国家司法尊严这两个方面展示了其恶性。
It is to establish rules for excluding illegally obtained evidence that prevents in passive means abuse of public powers on the one hand, and on the other hand it is ideal that no influences shall be imposed on recognizing case facts. 非法证据排除规则的设立意义在于用消极地手段防止公权力的滥用,而排除证据的理想状态是该证据信息对案件事实的认定不产生任何影响。
Therefore, the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence stipulates in many countries 'criminal procedure. 因此,在许多国家的刑事程序中,都确认了该规则。
As one of the aspect on admissibility, the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained electronic evidence have already occurred some complicated problems, therefore, as the combination form of technology and the legal, electronic evidence will bring more challenges and innovations. 非法电子证据排除只是电子证据可采性的一个方面,但已然显现出复杂多端的问题,因此,科技与法律相结合的电子证据形式将会带来更多的挑战与创新。
Chinese current system of criminal evidence is missing and lacking on specific rules, specifically in investigative techniques in the use of technology to obtain evidence, silence, relatives hidden, and occupational Immunity from excluding illegally obtained evidence, as for the historical or practical reasons. 由于历史或现实的原因,我国现行刑事证据制度,在技术侦查手段获取证据的规范、沉默权、亲属容隐、职业免证特权、非法证据排除等具体规则上存在缺失或缺陷。
As one of the most important contents in criminal justice, the exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence commonly concerns about the main thoughts and values of the special period. 刑事非法证据排除规则作为刑事司法领域中最重要的内容之一,它通常蕴含着某一特定历史时期社会的主流思想意识和价值观念。
The illegally obtained evidence includes illegal search or seizure, and evidence and confessions made subsequent to an illegal arrest. 美国刑事非法证据排除的范围包括非法搜查、扣押取得的证据与自白。
Nevertheless, the result of illegal evidence exclusion rules of the unique value and strong vitality, the world and regions still have with their own legal traditions, litigation model established their own rule of excluding illegally obtained evidence, China is no exception. 虽然如此,因非法证据排除规则独特的价值和强大的生命力,世界各国及地区还是纷纷结合自已的法律传统、诉讼模式确立了自己的非法证据排除规则,中国也不例外。
Although the two provisions for the prosecution to determine the main body of excluding illegally obtained evidence, but there is no specific program design. 两个规定虽然将检察机关确定为非法证据排除的主体,但没有具体的程序设计。
The construction of Opinion Evidence Rule, same as that of Hearsay Evidence Rule and Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence, is helpful to improve litigation process and achieve litigation purpose. 与传闻证据规则、非法证据排除规则一样,意见证据规则的构建对于改善诉讼进程、实现诉讼目的有很大的作用。
The issue is proposed in Chapter I, has introduced the existing situation of illegally obtained evidence exclusionary procedure. 第一章是问题的提出,对非法证据排除程序的现状进行了分析界定。